8 days past insemination (8dpi) and slowly losing our minds

This post is going to be a short one. I was hoping to explain why we have chosen the nicknames of the seahorse and the sperm fairy but I just don't have the energy. I started feeling really weak after work and it just hasn't gotten better. Liz was also feeling a little under the weather so it's early to bed for the both of us.
In baby making news, there really is none. Although we know they will not be correct until 14dpi, we started doing pregnancy tests two days ago. Yes this is silly, and adding to our mounting insanity. In a way it is also reassuring. We are trying to emotionally prepare ourselves for a negative test so having several of them is slowly breaking us in. I'm hoping that this weak and crappy feeling is a sign of something working.

Here's a pic of our little man Frankenstein in lieu of a well thought out entry.


Aiden & Elizabeth

Aiden & Elizabeth

About Us

We're just your average midwest couple trying to start our family in an unconventional way. We are excited, terrified, and every emotion in between. While we are not keeing our fingers crossed, we are hoping for a short and sweet ttc journey.