
Here in the Midwest we've been bracing for "a storm for the history books."  It started Monday with freezing rain, overnight some icing, and now lots more freezing rain and sleet.  Today is supposed to bring more icing and the start of 10-20 inches of snow, depending on who you're listening to. I don't want to jinx it but so far it seems to not be developing as horribly as predicted. Although you never know. The city had been declared a state of emergency before anything arrived and there are 600 guardsmen ready if the need should arise.  Stores ran out of food, ice melt, and other random stuff. Mass hysteria followed. Honestly it was kind of comical, in a "oh I hope this doesn't really happen" kind of way.

Riding out the storm

So what does all of that mean for us personally? Liz was scheduled to work Tuesday and Wednesday.  Rather than risk safety driving on ice early Tuesday morning, she set up camp in the hospital and hopefully she'll be home soon- as in late Wednesday evening. Myself and the furry kids are camping out at home and praying the power doesn't go out. We tend to loose power easily here and it takes a while to get back on.  In the midst of packing our bags in case we had to go to the in laws I noticed a gas smell by the dryer. This turned into a nice evening of having the gas company fix 5 leaks that had developed in almost every union of our piping.

As far as life outside of the winter storm, we're still working on some changes. It's been nice to enjoy each other and our life at a little more of a slow pace.  I had been staying away from the message board of our bank, and when I finally peeked was shocked.  Apparently they are closed until further notice for "reorganization."  I'm really hoping they are open and running by the time we need them.  They are the most affordable, accessible, and varied for donors.  I hope we don't have to switch.

*edit- I think I jinxed it. The sleet is really coming down now and there are nice icicles developing on the  power lines. Also there is one lone bird hanging out in a neighbors tree. The bird is either crazy or sick.


Aiden & Elizabeth

Aiden & Elizabeth

About Us

We're just your average midwest couple trying to start our family in an unconventional way. We are excited, terrified, and every emotion in between. While we are not keeing our fingers crossed, we are hoping for a short and sweet ttc journey.