We're Alive!

It's been a busy two weeks, even though it doesn't look like it. Currently we are battling gas... natural gas. It all started with a slight smell of gas. Now after 3 shut offs, 2 turn ons, 1 full new set of pipes, and countless visits from a handy friend; we are hoping it will be finally resolved tomorrow. This nightmare just goes on and on.  We are actually trying to be positive about it. We have hunkered down in the living room with sheets blocking drafts and the rest of the house. We dragged the bed in and rearranged all of the furniture. Surprisingly our two little heaters are keeping us nice and toasty.

Tie-dye throw back from high school

Now for some news that actually relates to the creation of this blog. We are back in the planning stages of ttc.  Why planning?  Well, our sperm bank (and subsequently our donor) is in the middle of a giant disaster. We have no clue what it is, why it is, or if/when it will reopen. What we do know is we don't have time to wait around.  We really felt comfortable with our donor, costs, and the bank itself.  That just wasn't enough to keep us hanging around. Granted if they opened tomorrow and had their act together, we might consider going back. But for now we're looking at using Northwest Cryobank. There are a lot more options with this bank but they come with a price. We're both excited to get back on the path to building our family. Hopefully this change of direction will keep me more attached to this blog.


Aiden & Elizabeth

Aiden & Elizabeth

About Us

We're just your average midwest couple trying to start our family in an unconventional way. We are excited, terrified, and every emotion in between. While we are not keeing our fingers crossed, we are hoping for a short and sweet ttc journey.