Hillbilly cartoons become reality tv...

  I wasn't sure if I was going to blog tonight. I've been planning our budget and next cycle in the last few days. The combination made me a little grumpy (that ushered along by a hellacious AF.) So I decided to do some mindless TV watching. Enter King of the Hill. One of my guilty pleasures. The moment I turned it on, Lou Ann's extremely hillbilly* husband has their daughter strapped on and says, "I gots to be the dad and the mom, I's a seahorse." Ha, our reality, well kind of.

  When we first entertained the idea of me carrying, one of the big hurdles was my gender identity. I have been dealing with gender confusion from a very early time in my childhood. A couple of years ago I was all set to pursue chest reconstruction and start down the path of transitioning from female to male. I have since reconsidered and am making myself comfortable in more of a genderqueer identity. While I don't like labels that is the one that feels most appropriate. Since male seahorses carry their babies until they are born, we thought that pretty much mimicked our situation. So for now this genderqueer seahorse is trying to get knocked up.

  As for the sperm fairy, well that was just pure joking around. Turkey baster queen just didn't have the same ring to it. Liz's wand is actually a tiny sperm filled syringe with a 5" catheter attached. She takes her job seriously, and I'm glad she is comfortable doing everything. If at home insemination works, I'm getting her some wings and a real wand. Who am I kidding? I'll get her whatever she wants! She really is the most amazing woman. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I'm pretty sure I'll be reminded of it a lot when we're expecting.
A favorite pastime

*disclaimer:  I consider myself a hillbilly in a lot of ways. I am not slamming hillbillies. When hunting season opened 85% of my highschool was absent... including teachers. The highlight of football season was walking the hog out  on the field that had been raised by the students and now was being auctioned for slaughter. I have nothing against hillbillies.  Also I should have changed the channel after King of the Hill, what followed scarred me for life.


Aiden & Elizabeth

Aiden & Elizabeth

About Us

We're just your average midwest couple trying to start our family in an unconventional way. We are excited, terrified, and every emotion in between. While we are not keeing our fingers crossed, we are hoping for a short and sweet ttc journey.