Oh Fraggle Rock

"Dance your cares away, worry's for another day"

     This seems to be the theme song for today. This day could not get any better.  Unless we win  a multi-million dollar lottery.  I'm being a little selfish though, Liz is slaving away at work. I keep getting good news. Hopefully she'll be home soon and it isn't crazy busy there.

   First AF seems to be on her way out of town.  Work was slow and the dog was well behaved. Then my mom called and she got the apartment she wanted (well not the exact one).  She has been living with us since June, and just got a new job in a town that isn't so city-like.  So she and her dog will be moving next weekend. Then I called the insurance and got semi-good news. They will cover consultations, diagnostics, and minor medical procedures related to infertility. They won't cover IVF, IUI, AI, or any procedure that directly leads to conception. So bittersweet but still great. I called figuring we wouldn't be able to get an appointment with the doctor until next cycle. Nope, we have an appointment on the 19th. When the secretary said she would send out the male and female paperwork to be returned I told her we are a lesbian couple using donor sperm. No hesitation. She said great we have other couples as well and we look forward to meeting both of you. We also had a casual conversation about jerk health care providers that discriminate. All of this concluded with a couple episodes of Fraggle Rock. It was my favorite show as a kid, and seemed so worry-free/appropriate.

    Tomorrow we call the bank and see if our donor is available. We can't reserve without paying and tomorrow is when we have the funds.  This is the only thing I can see as a bump in the road. If there aren't vials available, we'll have to figure out a new plan or wait until next month. Either way, things will work out. Here's hoping I'm not the only one having a good day!


Jenn January 7, 2011 at 4:54 PM  

IUIs are the least expensive part of the TTC process!! All the other stuff is what is pricey so that is good news for you!

Aiden and Liz January 22, 2011 at 8:58 PM  

Hey Jenn sorry I didn't respond quickly. That is so reassuring to hear. I'm glad that will be one less worry when we get back on track.

Aiden & Elizabeth

Aiden & Elizabeth

About Us

We're just your average midwest couple trying to start our family in an unconventional way. We are excited, terrified, and every emotion in between. While we are not keeing our fingers crossed, we are hoping for a short and sweet ttc journey.