Hurry up and wait

So it's been a little while. There has been tons of things going on around here which leaves minimal time to blog. First, I turned in my resignation at the small pet health store where I groom. I will be going back the "big box" store that I started at. There are numerous reasons why I need to do this but it all works out to one category. This is for my family present and future.  I need the money, security, and benefits. Liz works her tail off and it's time for me to pick up some slack. Second, my mom will be moving out of our house on saturday.  Which will lead to some serious home renovation and reorganization. Probably the biggest change is that we are on a ttc hiatus. We have to address some financial issues before we sink more money into ttc.  Also it'll be nice to settle into the new job, renewed house, and enjoy each other before starting another rollercoaster.  I will be posting a more put together entry soon. It has been hard to look at the ttc, fertility, and sperm bank group. I'm very happy for the ladies that are doing well, but it's rough knowing it's not our time.


Stephanie January 14, 2011 at 11:09 AM  
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Stephanie January 14, 2011 at 11:11 AM  

I know how you feel. I didn't visit the board AT ALL during our hiatus. I found that becoming consumed with keeping tabs on everybody else was also keeping me stressed about my own journey. It led to more worrying on my part (and that's something I don't need help with) and it was becoming unhealthy. I also found it slightly discouraging to read all these attempts at TTC by all these women who use 3 vials at a time (good grief, that gets expensive!) and insem 3 times in 24 hours. Sorry, but normal-conceiving couples don't have sex that often when they're TTC!! lol And then I'd see they're not having any luck and it just got me so down about me and my 1 vial at a time, single IUI and I started to doubt I had any chance at all. I think that you guys taking some time to enjoy each other and get a peaceful routine back in your lives will be good for you both, as tough as it is to do. I didn't want our hiatus, but I think it was good for me to sit back and gain fresh perspective on it. *hugs*

Aiden and Liz January 22, 2011 at 8:55 PM  

It's nice to know someone has been where we are. Every once in a while I want to peek in but then I get all those feelings back. Ahh how ttc will drive you nutty!

Aiden & Elizabeth

Aiden & Elizabeth

About Us

We're just your average midwest couple trying to start our family in an unconventional way. We are excited, terrified, and every emotion in between. While we are not keeing our fingers crossed, we are hoping for a short and sweet ttc journey.